Reporting live from Copenhagen in a three country, two part, special edition reporting on Arab immigration to Scandinavia: The Weekly Conquest Week of 6.16.24 – 6.22.24
Welcome to the ZioKnight
Week of June 16, 2024
Video of locals counterprotesting immigrants proselytizing Islam: to be explained in detail below.
Far right parties have swept elections in France, Germany, The Netherlands, and the EU, as immigrants flooded in from war torn Arab countries. The trend emerged in historically liberal, immigration favoring electorates, who are now dissatisfied with the crime alongside this immigration surge.
The media’s favorite culprits relating to this issue are the Scandinavian countries, such as Denmark, Norway, and Sweden because of their historic calm preceding this asylum surge, notated by their historically high rankings in the “world happiness index.”
I am reporting from Denmark today and will be continuing with Norway and Sweden next week to see if this trend is felt by the locals.
I interviewed a Danish store clerk who recounted the newfound gang violence, theft, mugging, and overall danger that didn’t exist in Denmark during his youth.
Upon asking about his neighboring countries’ situations, he described Sweden as “f*cked.” Stay tuned to see what he means!
Bifurcation between the anti-terrorism and anti-Israel movement
While walking through the city, anti-Israel graffiti and Palestinian flags were ever-present.
In a nation where guns are limited to police officers and security is sparse, I was shocked to see the military security when turning the corner to the avenue of Copenhagen’s orthodox shul, which was guarded by two soldiers, armed with torso-sized machine guns, in tactical gear.
Absent my father, brother, and I, there wouldn’t be a minyan, or quorum (the Rabbi assured we knew that the group is usually larger) for Friday nights Sabbath prayers.
The entire experience was summarized with the following altercation witnessed in a public square (video above):
Loud Arabic prayers were blaring and two men were proselytizing Islam. A crowd of people approached them, spit, and lowered the volume of the Arabic chants emanating from their speakers. A physical altercation ensued where the man pushed the protestors back and put the music back at full volume. The protesters continued to demonstrate however they could, by waving flags, dancing, and screaming in opposition to the event.
In short, the news isn’t lying to you.
A longer form article will be published followed The ZioKnight’s three country tour.
Sunday 6.16
The IDF announced daily temporary dampening of hostilities to distribute humanitarian aid in Gaza. Despite undermining the military objective of eliminating Hamas, this new policy upholds the moral character of the Israeli military. This is inline with various studies indicating that Israel has provided an adequate aid to Gazan civilians. [1][2]
Monday 6.17
Following resignations by two ministers on Israel’s war cabinet, Netanyahu decided to dismiss the entire group. The effect of this move isn’t substantial. It will simply move certain decisions to the larger security cabinet, and more sensitive matters will be handled by smaller forums. [3][4]
Tuesday 6.18
As tensions, casualties, and military escalations mount on Israel’s northern border with Lebanon, the IDF approves “operational plans for an offensive in Lebanon.” While tit-for-tat attacks have happened consistently since 10/7, this is a significant message to the Iran backed Hezbollah terrorist group and Lebanese leadership, since it is within their interest to avoid an all-out-war. [5][6]
Wednesday 6.19
On Tuesday, Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu publicly defied the US saying that it is "inconceivable that in the past few months, the administration has been withholding weapons and ammunitions to Israel." American officials responded in confusion, claiming not knowing about any delays in weapons shipments.
Internally, the Biden Administration was unhappy with this statement, viewing it as ungrateful. The response by the White House was to postpone a strategic dialogue on Iran’s aggression.
Reports came out on Wednesday that Netanyahu went along with this move, counter to his aides’ recommendation against it.
The immediate overall effect of this condemnation was minimal, but it was an interesting view of publicity used as a negotiations tactic. [7][8]
Thursday 6.20
As tens of thousands of Israelis remain displaced from the north, tension with Hezbollah heighten. US reports fear that Israeli air defense may not be able to withstand Hezbollah’s arsenal of over 150,000 rockets. Recognizing the severity of the danger, the IDF is moving supplies northward, in preparation for a “blitzkrieg” type attack on Souther Lebanon, to create a buffer zone between Northern Israeli communities and Hezbollah forces.
A correspondent of The ZioKnight reports that central Israel continues to get progressively crowded, and the possible fallout of a war with Lebanon are becoming more clear. The next step of either a diplomatic solution or military advancement are nearing. [9]
Friday 6.21
Following reported pauses in US aid to Israel, a group of Senate Republicans in the Foreign Affairs Committee introduced a bill banning such a practice. The proposed legislation would restrict the Executive Branch’s ability to limit US aid and defense sales to Israel. This bill serves as a reminder that many American politicians remain strong allies of the Jewish state, despite minor hiccups. [10]
Saturday 6.22
As tension grows between Israel and Hezbollah, Canada moves towards a mass evacuation of its 45,000 citizens residing in Lebanon. This is yet another signal pointing towards imminent action on Israel’s northern border. [11]
Question: Is Israel just for Jews?
Answer: Certainly not! The population of Israel is 74% Jewish, 21% Arab, and 5% neither. All citizens have equal rights. Israel is an ethnically nationalist state, serving as the homeland for Jews, as is evident with the Law of Return, but this policy doesn’t serve to downgrade citizenship of other Israelis. [11]
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