Welcome to the ZioKnight!
The ZioKnight is a short weekly briefing on everything Israel. We will provide you with the most important news from the week, every Sunday morning, to ensure you are up to date about the Jewish State.
Now that you know what we are, we will explain what prompted us to launch this publication. Our founder, Noah Levy, consistently finds that the majority of Americans support Israel. He is very proud of his peers’ support, but finds that it is extremely onerous to stay up to date on current events surrounding the state.
Additionally, Israel is frequently the hardest subject to consume traditional media on. Articles often lack context that is vital towards understanding why Israel finds certain actions necessary to ensure its national security.
As a result of the paltry information, it is difficult to defend Israel in the public forum, which is mired in anti-Israel disinformation, misinformation, and hate.
By staying up-to-date on the most pressing issues concerning Israel, you will understand the narrative driving key decision makers.
Through this weekly 3-minute read, we hope to provide you with a strong foundation to understand the unique nature of the Jewish State and the tough neighborhood it is in.
Thank you for embarking among this journey with us,
The ZioKnight