Who is The ZioKnight?

The author of The ZioKnight is Noah Levy, a politics major and legal studies, economics, business, and Hebrew minor at Brandeis University, class of 2026.

He is a lifelong Zionist, involving himself in a wide array of Pro-Israel organizations, including:

  • AIPAC: Family leadership Initiative graduate, 3x Campaign Training Institute graduate, Brandeis Campus Liaison, Brandeis Cadre President, volunteer for thousands of phone banking calls for Pro-Israel members of Congress, and intern

  • Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America (CAMERA): CAMERA on Campus Fellow

  • Hillel International: Israel Leadership Network Brandeis Representative

  • Brandeis Israel Public Affairs Committee: First Year Representative, Legislative Director, and President

Noah noticed a lack of Gen-Z voices in the Pro-Israel sphere, and he is setting out to buck the trend of underrepresentation.

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